The play will be put on in July 2014. It will be staged in Austurbær Leikhús from Saturday July 12th to Sunday July 20th. The cast will comprise of actors from Nigeria, UK and Iceland. Preparation is under way. We look forward to entertaining you in July. We appreciate your support. Takk fyrir, (thank you in Icelandic).
10 July 2014, Update on above information: As a result of having problems optaining the necessary visas for some of the actors, the play will no longer be performed but will be replaced with a film version instead, which was shot in Nigeria with some leading Nollywood actors. It is directed by the Nollywood film guru Chief Eddie Ugboma and Ufuoma Overo-Tarimo. The event will be held on the 16th of july at 7 PM at Tjarnarbio in the city of Reykjavik. Tickets can be bought at or at the Theatre door.
See some pictures from the Reykjavík production